Caribbean Crafts British Virgin Islands

Press / Media
April 2008 - Wooden Boat Magazine
GLI GLI: A Caribbean Voyaging Canoe
Photographs by Alison Langley
Text by Matthew P. Murphy

Click here to download the full story
(1M pdf)

November 2007 - Caribbean Travel & Life
GLI GLI Carib Canoe - A Voyage Out of Time
Photographs by MacDuff Everton
Text by Mike Grudowski

Click here to download the full story
(3M pdf)

Sausmarez Manor and Art Parks
"Have you got that spot in the garden, by the pool, on the terrace or in the conservatory that deserves something to lift the soul, to create rapture, or simply as a focal point?"

If so, you may well find what you are looking for in the Channel Islands because between 150 and 250 pieces of sculpture, by around 90 different artists, are on display in the grounds of Sausmarez Manor, St Martin, Guernsey at any one time. Click here to read more

Click Facebook logo for all Info and Forms for this years Caribbean Arts & Crafts Festival